Thursday, May 17, 2007


So...not much commentary on yesterday's post, eh? That's fine. I'm just really glad I have found something to stir things up just enough to get me changing the things I need to change.

So, on that note, I woke up today, had a small coffee, took my meds and crawled back in bed.

PSYCHE! OK, yeah I did crawl back into bed, but only for a few minutes while drinking my coffee. Then I got up, put on running clothes, and did day two of the C2-5K program.

I got home, and before you know it I was caught up in garden plans. I did a ton, and it was hard work, man. I hauled and raked and hoed and cultivated and shoveled and flipped. For almost 2 hours of sweat, grime, and sneezing. (I'm not working today)

Garden update:

• My peas aren't what I wanted, but they're fine. It looks like I got something more like snow peas rather than sugar snap peas. And I also got one misfiled pea seed, cause I have some non-edible pod peas at one end of the row.

• The radishes are HUGE and probably should be just cleared out now.

• Thinning the chard was a very good move. What's left is thriving.

• The beets, which are not planted very neatly, are doing well. Nice greens on them, and once I pull the radishes which are sharing their space, I bet they'll have more room to develop and be happy.

• Beans: have buds!

• Tomatoes: various stages of development. One of the Extreme Bush plants I grew from seed is doing particularly well, and it looks like the Indian Stripes I thought were goners will probably pull through. I treated a minor case of aphids with an application of some insecticidal oil. We do have some flowers, people, which bodes well. Tomato pests scare the crap out of me!

Cukes are fine. They're not extremely quick growth, though, so they're still kind of boring.

• Peppers: another slow growth plant. There are buds on the big plant I got at Barnes Supply over near my house.

Cantaloupes and straight neck squash: I can't remember which is which, because Sharpie apparently fades quickly in direct sunlight. And I'm not sure if I am supposed to thin them or not. For both crops, Jamie and I planted three seeds in the corner of one of the beds, and all three came up and are thriving. So um yeah. To thin or not to thin?

• Current stock of herbs: rosemary, oregano, sorrel, winter savory, thyme, spearmint, garlic chives, peppermint, dill, basil, regular chives, parsely, sage.

• I planted the raspberries, and it does look like I've got a stock of wild blackberries, as well.

• The green onions look like tiny chives.

Random thoughts: Fainting goats for sale, I'm wearing shoulder pads today. I think I saw poison ivy in my yard and whipped out some Round Up. The robins are extremely happy to chomp on the worms I uprooted when hauling compost. I didn't change shoes to garden and so had to hose them off. But not after I tracked in a ton of dirt accidentally. I wonder what's for lunch? It's past one. I like watching mockingbirds divebomb starlings and grackles. It's kind of cold out today.