Thursday, February 8, 2007 flash will come later.

I kicked ass today, and within a few days I'll know if I'll be back among the employed or not!

And I *really* had a lot of fun, both in talking to the people interviewing me and in the short lesson on STD prevention I gave them. I was so relaxed and I enjoyed myself....even if I don't get this job? It was a FUN day!

Then I went and got lunch with my friend. And I'm wearing cute new clothes.



• 3 p.m.

This sounds good, right?
"We are very interested in you for our health ed position. I'm going to call your references today/tomorrow and will be back in touch with you after I've spoken to them."

• 6:30 p.m.
From one of my references:
"I gave you an awesome recco- sounds like you are high on their list-
keep me posted "