Thursday, September 20, 2007

Safer Sex Party

The community I work in now is a lot more conservative than I'm used to. My job is different too--not focused just on reproductive health. I work in the schools quite a bit, in a school system that shies away from giving out full and accurate health information-- about certain topics, at least.

So combine these factors, and I've been doing a lot of "lifeskills" education. Communication skills, friendships, emotions, healthy relationships, decision-making....all good stuff, but not sex ed.

This afternoon I'll be participating in a local college's wellness fair, and then heading up to their "safer sex party" for some more activities. I feel rusty!

Should I do a condom-relay? Tape the dental dam on the vulva? Condom water balloon toss? Condom over the head contest? Vaseline vs. Water-based lube condom popping demonstration?

So many choices...