Monday, March 19, 2007

For the record

I had my (at least) second Google search for "Dave Neuhaus" leading here to the blog. Those of you who've been reading since the old blog will know the story, but anyone coming here via a search will not.

For posterity and google searchers, here's a quick explanation of the ins and outs of the Dave Neuhaus tag. Dave Neuhaus was a high-school friend of mine who played timpani in the orchestra when I played French horn, back in the late 1980s. He was quite cute, and had a HUGE smile that people teased him about. Sometime in the last year I had a dream that Dave came to find me because of his deeply seated (heh) feelings for me that had not abated. After I woke up and figured out what the hell I had just dreamed, I tried to look him up online. I had no luck, even though I think I know where he went to college in NY.

So for some reason the tag Dave Neuhaus came to mean anything related to boys and dating.

Dave, if you find this, I'm not scary. Email me! Lastewie at the Google mail. Or with this format: firstname.lastname (at) the Google mail. I have the same last name.